マンズワインからポリフェノール2倍で、糖類0(ゼロ)の「ポリフェノールたっぷりワイン 糖類ゼロ」新発売! キッコーマン食品株式会社は、8月20日より、葡萄由来のポリフェノールを通常の約2倍(3,000mg/L)含み(*1)しかも糖類ゼロ(*2)の赤ワイン ...
The impossible, in this case, being to make a really good low-alcohol wine. The quality gap between NoLo (no- and low-alcohol ...
Introduction: Zero wine is an open source (GPL v2) research project to dynamically analyze the behavior of malware. Zero wine just runs the malware using WINE in a safe virtual sandbox (in an isolated ...
Like so many out-of-the-box entrepreneurial ventures, the genesis of Zero/Zero, Knoxville’s exclusive natural wine bar, began in the early months of COVID-19. “We really fell in love with ...
Fresh green apples and hints of brioche, citrus and barely perceptible iris develop on the mid-palate as the wine is left to stand. Virtually sugar free, the natural salt affinity of this zero-dosage ...
Holiday parties typically feature a variety of alcoholic beverages, including home-crafted cocktails. For people who abstain from alcohol, finding a refreshing mocktail can spare them from the ...