The archipelago consists of 115 islands and thirty prominent rock formations scattered throughout a self-proclaimed exclusive economic zone (EEZ) of more than 1.35 million square kilometers of ocean.
Afghanistan's rugged terrain and seasonally harsh climate have not deterred foreign invaders who coveted this land or sought to cross it on the road to further conquests. The history of Afghanistan is ...
Poison Arrow or Poison Dart Frogs are small, colorful frogs found in Central and South America. The brilliant coloration of these amphibians warns predators of their extraordinary toxicity -- the ...
Rhett Butler founded Mongabay in 1999 with the mission of raising interest in and appreciation of wild lands and wildlife. For the first several years of the project, he operated Mongabay on his own, ...
Oxford University Press makes conservation biology textbook by some of the world's most prominent ecologists and conservation biologists available as free download Conservation Biology for All ...
All the items listed below are manufactured by CafePress or Zazzle. These companies handle all aspects of any transaction including production, billing, and shipping. 100 percent of the profit from ...
According to a new report by The Environmental Justice Foundation, growing consumer demand for shrimp is fueling an environmental crisis. Shrimp farming is destroying biologically rich mangrove ...
How are floodplain forests different from upland forests? Why is the Amazon River important to local people What is an oxbow lake? How are rainforest rivers under threat? How do dams contribute to ... was founded by Rhett Ayers Butler in 1999 out of his passion for wildlife and rainforests. Originally a side project which consumed nights and weekends, Rhett quit his day job to run ...
Ecuador is one of the smaller countries in South America. Located on the west coast and straddling the equator, Ecuador has a total area of about 280,000 square kilometers, which includes the ...
PLEASE NOTE: All figures below refer populations for individual cities, not the population for urban agglomerations. Thus a city like Manila in the Philippines may have a city population of 1.6 ...
Vietnam is located in the southeastern extremity of the Indochinese peninsula and occupies about 331,688 square kilometers, of which about 25 percent was under cultivation in 1987. The S-shaped ...