米国の市場が英市場に多大な影響を与えているという懸念もある。米国では政策金利が景気抑制的な水準に維持される見通しで、トランプ政権下にあって財政政策は緩和的にとどまると予測される。S&Pグローバル・レーティングは米10年国債利回りの動きの80%が英国債 ...
Liverpool crashed out of the FA Cup at the hands of Championship basement club Plymouth Argyle. It took until the second half ...
Fundamental Analysis & Market SentimentI wrote on 2nd February that the best trade opportunities for the week were likely to be: <u ...
Plymouth's chairman on picking managers, fighting relegation and why 'knowing a league' doesn't matter as they face Liverpool ...