Hypertension, atrial fibrillation, and smoking are strongly associated with an increased risk for severe vs nonsevere stroke.
In patients with atrial fibrillation, a resting heart rate of 80 bpm or higher is associated with increased risk for ...
A Fitbit got a reporter to see his doctor — and ultimately go under the knife. Are wearables the next wave in heart health?
WITH the fun and joy of Christmas and New Year also comes the risks of overdoing it, particularly when it comes to alcohol. But consuming a lot of alcohol can directly impact your heart – ...
A Fib has now been associated with worsening heart function, either as the primary cause or by exacerbating any prior cardiac ...
We are excited to share the initial case experience with the AcuFORM device. The unique foam <a target=_blank href= ...
Consuming five or more cups of coffee daily may enhance cognitive function in individuals with irregular heart rhythms, ...
On Sunday morning, the Norwegian Royal House announced that Queen Sonja of Norway regained a normal heart rhythm and was ...
In that single-arm study, the rate of primary adverse events within 7 days of ablation was 2.9%, with the most common ...