The gyaru subculture originated in Shibuya, Tokyo in the 1990s as a reaction to the "good girl" standards expected of Japanese women at the time. Gyaru are known for being: Cheerful, Loud, Strong, ...
Isekai Manga can involve people sent to pocket dimensions created from novels they read. Main characters reincarnated in ...
We’ve put together a list of must-see movies on Netflix made by Black creators. Streaming now are great films new and old, ...
If you've got a Nintendo Switch and you're into visual novels, you're in luck! The Switch has quite a few, and these are the ...
本の売り上げが全体的に落ち込むアメリカの出版市場で、近年継続的な急成長を続けているのがロマンス小説のジャンルだ。従来ハーレクインなどがなじみの恋愛小説は、トラッシー(クズ同然)で文学的価値のない軽薄な商品と言われながらも、空港の売店やスーパーのレジ近 ...
"Dune" stars Kyle MacLachlan as Paul Atredies, heir to the great noble house of Atredies. Based on the 1965 novel by Frank Herbert, this epic science fiction opera follows the struggle between House ...