Butterfly bush isn't a larval host plant and doesn't provide the habitat butterflies need for the next cycle of butterflies. Here's why butterfly bush isn't the best plant for butterflies and ...
Fall and winter rains spark the germination of the host plant, which in turn causes the larvae to come out of dormancy. These butterflies may spend several years in a dormant period, briefly breaking ...
Echoing our finding, other scientists conducted a genetic analysis in 2023 that also found no evidence of population decline in monarchs, or in common milkweed, the butterflies’ main larval host plant ...
Colony estimates at central Mexico overwintering sites indicate that monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus ... Loss of milkweed (Asclepiadaceae) host plants in the spring and summer breeding habitat in ...
A larva of swallowtail butterfly Papilio xuthus changes its body pattern at the 4th molt. The juvenile larva resembles bird droppings (left) in its fourth developmental stage, or "instar," and its ...
BREEDING: In July or August, adult butterflies lay a cluster of 10 to 100 eggs on the New Mexico penstemon, a beautiful plant endemic to the state's Sacramento Mountains. Larvae hatch and begin ...