Paolo Ghia, MD, PhD, discusses the CAPTIVATE trial in chronic lymphocytic leukemia/small lymphocytic lymphoma, and what findings from the trial have been particularly noteworthy.
Filgotinib maintained a favorable safety and efficacy profile for up to 8 years among patients with RA who participated in the DARWIN 3 LTE.
Bacterial vaginosis affects one third of reproductive-aged women, and recurrence is common. Evidence of sexual exchange of ...
When Mr. Kristof’s friend Drew sought prison for treatment, he was desperate for ... Riley Sullivan Chapel Hill, N.C. To the Editor: I appreciate Nicholas Kristof’s story of Drew’s journey ...
Imugene is carrying out three immune-oncology clinical programs that could revolutionise cancer treatment The company could be the ... ‘b’ – breakthrough – cancer therapy and even the ‘c’ – cure word.
One received a referral to addiction-treatment services outside the hospital ... in that period — more than 700,000, according to C.D.C. data — than perished in all U.S. wars and conflicts ...
trachomatis and provide new targets to develop specific and novel therapeutics for C. trachomatis treatment. The identification of genetic variations in the host and pathogen as well as ...