Cactus, known scientifically as Schlumbergera bridgessii, is a beloved holiday plant celebrated for its stunning blooms that brighten up the winter months. Originating from the rainforests of Brazil, ...
First protect the kids and pets before the cooler temperatures come. But don't forget to take steps to protect your plants.
One of the major reasons for UMass Lowell’s outstanding hockey start – which includes winning two tournaments and being ...
I like to write articles about plants that happen to be blooming when it’s my turn to write. This time I decided to write ...
These low-maintenance. hard to kill houseplants will thrive in your space, no matter what, even if you don't have a green ...
The Transylvania County Master Gardeners last month gathered for their annual holiday party and to acknowledge and celebrate ...
If you’d like to propagate your Christmas cactus, take longer stem cuttings that are three to five stem segments long.
Christmas cactuses are easy-going, tropical plants that grow well in most homes and rarely need pruning. But if your plant is overgrown or you want to create new cactus plants from stem cuttings ...
MacCubbin gives advice on gardening in Florida including care of camellias, tomatoes, geraniums, bahiagrass, vegetables, ...