Glucose AUC for decaffeinated coffee was significantly lower than for caffeine. Insulin was significantly higher after caffeine and decaffeinated coffee than after placebo during the first hour of ...
Coffee drinkers who opt for decaffeinated in the belief that it will not give them a buzz could be kidding themselves, scientists say. A study suggests caffeine is not responsible for coffee's ...
Many of us drink coffee on a daily basis, but not everyone wants the caffeine boost that goes with it. These days decaf options are everywhere, even in posh coffees and with rare bean varieties ...
And remember that caffeine isn't only in coffee. Green tea and black tea, energy drinks, cola, and other soft drinks contain caffeine. Try switching to decaffeinated products (which may still have ...
Hoffman concluded: "There are reasons not to drink caffeine but decaf gives you loads of the potential theoretical health benefits of coffee without the downsides." Chlorogenic acids, known to ...
Participants completed questionnaires about how much caffeinated coffee, decaffeinated coffee and tea they drank per day, week, month and year, prior to their diagnosis. Head and neck cancers are ...
If your New Year's resolution was to quit drinking coffee, you may want to revisit that idea because, according to a newly published study, regularly sipping on the caffeinated beverage could add ...