An apple a day is said to keep the doctor away, but what about a banana? Bananas are a great source of fiber, potassium, vitamin C and other antioxidants and phytonutrients, according to Healthline.
but should you worry about the carbs in bananas? Learn more about the amount of carbs and calories in bananas, whether or not you can eat them on a low-carb diet and how they affect blood sugar.
We attempt to answer all your banana-related calorie and nutrition questions, starting with the obvious... Aka ‘How many calories in an average banana?’, ‘How many calories is a full-size ...
but should you worry about the carbs in bananas? Learn more about the amount of carbs and calories in bananas, whether or not you can eat them on a low-carb diet and how they affect blood sugar.
Get ready to go bananas! But that's not all you'll eat ... You could lose weight simply because you’re eating fewer calories. Besides testimonials, there is no proof that this diet works.