If you want to start an aquarium of your own, I asked Sanders and Rosenbloom about everything you need for new pet fish, including product recommendations, aquarium setup tips and advice on day to ...
Q: Are there any diseases that humans can catch from their pet fish or fish ... This is because the fish bacteria grows best at fish temperatures (temperature of the aquarium or pond) and not ...
Fish are often considered a low-maintenance pet option for children or busy adults. That’s not necessarily the truth, according to experts. “Pet fish require just as much work as any other pet ...
Discus fish have a reputation for being difficult to keep, and they’re not the best choice for a first pet fish. Spend some time researching the species and assess whether or not you have the space ...
Have you ever looked at your pet and thought ... How to decode hamster behaviour In an aquarium, your fish may also swim erratically if there is a dangerous electric current in the water.