Cisco Systemsは現地時間2025年2月26日、3件のセキュリティアドバイザリを公開した。対象製品の利用者へアップデートを呼びかけている。 このうち2件は、同社スイッチ「Cisco Nexus 3000シリーズ」「同9000シリーズ」に判明した脆弱性。
Cisco has patched command injection and DoS vulnerabilities affecting some of its Nexus switches, including a high-severity ...
Cisco has released updates for Nexus switches in the 3000 and 9000 series as well as for APIC. They seal security leaks.
run sh ver to check the system version. Follow this document , section "Upgrade From NX-OS 6.0(2)U6(3a) or later to NX-OS 9.3(x)". ⚠️ Note I use slightly different versions in the upgrade but it ...