Although Hackers wasn't an instant hit, it has become a cult classic over time. This '90s film, starring Angelina Jolie and ...
Media has established a pretty specific image of a hacker. A pale face lit by the glow of multiple monitors and with a ...
Directed by Duncan Jones, is a tale of soldier wakes up in another man’s body. The movie is a blend of suspense, mystery, and ...
The Treasury Department has announced sanctions in connection with a massive Chinese hack of American telecommunications ...
ポーランドの鉄道車両メーカー・Newagの製造車両で原因不明の故障が多発した出来事を解決したハッカーグループのメンバー3人が、Newagから刑事・民事の両面で訴えられていることがわかりました。メンバーのサポートを行っているハッカー集団のChaos ...
This thriller film explores the themes of supernatural elements, Keeves in portraying the role of Kevin, a successful lawyer who discovered that his new boss is mysteriously frightening. Released in ...
Michael Mann directed Blackhat, a thriller about a hack that threatens the world. Here's how the polarizing thriller was ahead of its time.
中国政府の関与が疑われるハッカー集団「ミラーフェイス」によるサイバー攻撃で、宇宙航空研究開発機構( JAXA ( ジャクサ ) )から、火星の衛星探査計画(MMX計画)に関する機密情報が盗まれた可能性があることが関係者への取材でわかった。
"In 1997," the post reads, "the Wachowskis offered Will Smith the role of Neo in The Matrix. Smith turned it down. He chose ...
When a new consultant, Regus Patoff, is hired to improve the business of the app-based gaming company CompWare, employees experience new demands and challenges that put everything into question, ...
This parody features send-ups of famous fictional detectives investigating an impossible crime. The all-star cast includes ...
This week’s Do You Use It? poll asks how you could recover your data and get back to work in the event of a disaster ranging from a corrupted file to a house fire.