この技術に目を付けたヤマハは、1973年にFM音源のライセンスに関しての独占契約を結ぶ。その立役者となったのが加藤博万氏だ。彼はオルガンの自動演奏に興味を持ってアメリカの研究者を訪ねており、その帰りに「面白い話でもないかな」と訪れたのがスタンフォード ...
These days, seemingly everyone has a smartphone, right? Some are so tired of the constant attention-seeking device that there ...
Sonos Arc Ultraは、14基のドライバーを搭載しDolby Atmosに対応したサウンドバーで、9.4.1chサラウンドサウンドの再生をサポートした。またせりふなどの聞き取りやすさを向上できるスピーチエンハンスメント機能も利用可能だ。
We talk to Scott Hansen, the creative electronic music force known as Tycho, in advance of his live ensemble's performance at ...
John Talbert spent many years playing music in churches, studios and bands in Detroit. When a computer science job brought him to Midland in 2002, he began playing with some local bands. When he is ...
A Florida man has pleaded guilty in connection with the carjacking and kidnapping of a Connecticut couple, in what ...
He’s worked with Steve Howe, Wire and Gandalf’s Fist, and even on a metal magazine – but it’s the quirkiness and curiosity of his own band that makes the singer and percussionist most proud ...
No matter how draining some of my days in Vegas were, I left feeling much more excited about the world of technology than I ...