here’s all you need to know about the DnD 2024 Cleric. Alternatively, our Cleric 5e guide explains the older 2014 rules for the same class. Ever wanted to be one with nature or transform into any ...
This class feature gives Druids the ability to transform into any beast they have seen before. There is a long list of beast creatures in the standard Monster Manual and other resources like ...
Druids in 2024 PHB face drastic Wild Shape changes but gain new features like Primal Order decisions and Wild Resurgence benefits. Wild Shape buffs like speaking in beast form and ease in form ...
Not much, in our eyes. The new DnD Guide background feels ready-made for Monks, Rangers, and Fighters, and it might tempt the odd Cleric and Druid too. With stat boosts that benefit both spellcasting ...
The new rulebooks are an update to the existing D&D 5th edition, which leaves many players wondering if they should make the switch.
This project's purpose is two-fold. Firstly, it was a simple project to allow me to try out Vue.js. Secondly it makes filling out glumlord's druid wild shape sheet much easier. This will create a dist ...