While it might be a bit of an uncomfortable experience, there’s no underestimating the joy and pure eccentricity that the ...
Football terms, words and oddities you never knew the meaning of, from the obvious to the oblique and all in between ...
Discover the modern phrases that make Boomers want to run—whether that's from family dinners or corporate boardrooms.
When I went home for winter break, I was immediately hit with a question from my sister: “Are you raising your ya-ya-ya?” ...
本日、デビュー13周年を迎えたA.B.C-Z。このたび2014年発表の1stアルバム「from ABC to ...
The lazy urge to use two simple words instead of a concise, challenging one in our daily lives. If you feel these words are ...
The game was invented by Wardle during the COVID-19 lockdown, initially just "for me and my partner to enjoy." Despite these ...
Take a three-step approach that includes context and nuance when describing buzzwords and complicated terminology.
Valentine's Day is at hand, and that has us in a romantic mood.
With endless rounds of appointments and research involved, many tech-savvy singles now treat finding a partner like a job ...
2月1日にデビュー13周年を迎えたA.B.C-Zが、記念日となる同日、過去に発売したアルバム・EPを一斉にサブスク解禁した。 【写真】デビュー13周年記念日に過去アルバム全作品をサブスクリリース ...
今回のイベントは、A.B.C-Zのアルバム過去作品の一斉配信を記念して開催されるもので、最新曲から人気曲まで過去の楽曲を一挙オンエアいたします。ラウンジは、どなたでも無料で参加することができ、AWAアプリを事前にダウンロードしていれば、ユーザーとの交 ...