This creative retelling of the Bible is still selling big around the world, 15 years after its initial publication.
Cynicism protects us from some initial hurt, but in the end, it filters out not only the genuine danger and fakeness we ...
If Jesus is right about the gospel, Jimmy Carter is in heaven. And so are a lot of other people—a number no man can count—who ...
Every Fundamentalist needs to read Chris Anderson’s new book The Scandal of Schism. The book charts the currents that are ...
M any people set goals at the beginning of a new year, and one of the greatest goals at the beginning of the year is the goal to read the entire Bible in a calendar year. The path ...
As you walk through the valley of the unknown, you will find the footprints of Jesus both in front of you and beside you.” ...
The tongue of the wise commends knowledge, but the mouths of fools pour out folly. My goal in this article is to encourage ...
You are probably familiar with the story of Jesus about the sower who scatters his seed on various soils. It is Jesus’ following story that should be a revealing warning to us. It is known as the ...
I must admit I’m not big on New Year's resolutions. Most of the time, this trend is cliche and shallow. Not to mention, most ...
Dat meldt Bobby Gruenewald op de Amerikaanse nieuwssite The Christian Post. Zijn organisatie YouVersion toont in statistieken ...
It’s hard to live faithfully in a dark world. The temptations are strong, the darkness is really dark, and hope sometimes seems blurry. But amid this dark world, Paul shows ...
De favoriete exegeet van Maarten Luther was naar verluidt een veertiende-eeuwse franciscaan. „De reformatoren waren zich er ...