In 'The Descent of Man' he presented an unequivocal account of human evolution. The book was another challenge to Christian orthodoxy. Yet in the decade since Darwin had gone public, his ideas had ...
His protest against the misuse of ‘evolutionary’ in the study of technical development is salutary. The Progress of Man: a Short Survey of his Evolution, his Customs and his Works.
What was initially meant to be one chapter of ‘The variation of animals and plants under domestication’ (1866), ‘The Descent of Man, and Selection in Relation to Sex’ became substantial enough to be a ...
Evolution of human beings over millions of years ... Darwin did not intend to challenge religious beliefs with his book but many religious believers responded to it with fury.
Is Piltdown Man a "missing link"? Both critics and proponents of evolution eagerly await the discovery of a "missing link" between humans and other primates. The fossil skull called Piltdown Man ...
Darwin's foes protest ape-man connection. While On the Origin of Species does not address human evolution, critics assume (correctly) that Darwin thinks humans are no exception. At a meeting of ...