For those suffering from gastritis, some foods can further irritate the stomach lining, intensifying symptoms. Below, we ...
While bananas are known to provide quick energy and essential nutrients, consuming them on an empty stomach can actually ...
Here are five effective ways to avoid gastritis triggers and help maintain a healthy stomach. Spicy and acidic foods, such as hot peppers, citrus fruits, and tomatoes, can irritate the stomach ...
Gut health expert Madeleine Kietzmann tells News24 that spicy, sugary and fatty foods after a more extended fasting period.
The consumption of such hot drinks on an empty stomach is not advised for people with a history of gastritis. It can worsen ...
Avoid these foods in the morning to start your day right. Pancakes and waffles contain milk, eggs, flour and sugar.which contribute to obesity and insulin resistance. It contain acid that can cause ...
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