Commercial Chef Cast Iron 7-Hole Mini Pancake Pan, $28.01 at Amazon Australia Why we love it: You can make seven pikelets (or ...
Dessert: You all know crepes, these delicious thin pancakes brought to us by France. But they have a real special recipe ...
MSN による配信5 日
French crepe batter with pastis
Snacks: Any anise lovers in the audience? You are going to love our snack then: crepes with Pastis! Add a touch of this alcohol in your crepe batter and here you are with extra fragrant delicacies :-) ...
"2月2日はクレープの日"この日はシャンドルールと呼ばれ、フランス全土でクレープを食べる習慣があります。シャンドルール《Chandelle=ロウソク》の起源は諸説ありますが、古くはローマ時代まで遡り、神を称える儀式が後に信者達の行列、松明やロウソクを ...