Moana 2’ by Walt Disney Animation Studio is now on digital platforms Prime Video, Apple TV, and Fandango at Home.
第81回ヴェネチア国際映画祭でワールドプレミアされ、第49回トロント国際映画祭や第29回釜山国際映画祭をはじめとする世界各国の映画祭へ出品されるなど、国内外で注目を集めた本作が待望のBlu-ray & DVD化!
Blu-ray and DVD on March 18th, and pre-orders are now available here on Amazon and here at Walmart. At the time of writing, ...
In the case of the Fantastic Four’s latest (first) outing, I believe there’s a low-key reference to Steve Rogers’ fate in the ...
In March, my birth month, I tried to watch as many films from my birth year, 1976, as possible. When Kris Kristofferson died ...
Drive go-karts Looking for a romantic date idea that’s as thrilling as it is fun? Try go-karting! It’s the perfect way to ...