高さを抑えた調理ポットと底面のフィルターで、ムラなく均一に調理することができるほか、中の食材の様子を確認しながら調理できる点も特徴。エアフライヤーモードでは、温度は40℃~200℃ (1℃刻み)、タイマーは最大60分 (1分刻み)で設定できる。
サンコーは、『揚げ物も煮込みもできるエアフライヤー「フライ2バディ」』を3月11日に発売しました。価格は1万2800円(税込)です。 記事のポイント ノンフライヤーで揚げ物を、電気鍋で煮込み料理を作れる、1台2役の調理家電です。ノンフライヤーだけ ...
揚げ物調理の新常識を提案。くるっと回して電気鍋にもなる2in1家電 『揚げ物も煮込みもできるエアフライヤー「フライ2バディ」』を発売 ...
We don’t know the exact details of what deals will be available, but in 2024, the Tower T17088 Vortx air fryer came down by ...
Keeping your air fryer clean is a bit like brushing your teeth. Stay on top of it, and things run smoothly. Skip it, and ...
Who is hungry? Use an air fryer oven to make an easy delicious lunch or dinner in no time. Since you're potentially going all-in on one machine, there are a few functions you want it to perform ...
The powerful Ninja Crispi air fryer features a glass cooking chamber that doubles as a food storage vessel. Here's what I learned after testing it for a month.
It was affordable at its original price, but this AU$96 saving makes this Sunbeam air fryer a certified bargain. A comprehensive set of cooking trays and baskets allows you to cook a wide range of ...
However, once we realized how quickly and easily an air fryer can cook food, we barely turn on the oven anymore. In fact, with these 27 air fry recipes that cook so fast, you’ll swear you’ve got a ...
Thanks to Amazon Canada's early Big Spring Sale deals, you can shop the air fryer for just $75 — that's $25 off its normal ...