Here's the good stuff we found floating in the chaos.I think what makes pets so hilarious is their audacity is off the charts because they know we won't put them out.So here are 25 hilarious pet ...
This week's Pet of the Week is the lovingly named Kooky Cali, a 10-year-old cat who always wants to be the center of her ...
If you ever think you're having a weird day, just wait until you get home to see what your pets have gotten into.
Watch Tucker’s hilarious reaction when a new addition enters the house! Will he befriend the new pet, or is he not quite sure what to think? From confused stares to funny barks, Tucker’s reaction will ...
So, here are 25 funny pet tweets to start your day, before my dog starts running my household: 1. One christmas I received two cards to "Elvis and sorry i forgot your name". Elvis was my cat. — Mambo ...
Editor’s Note: We dive into X so you don't have to scrub your eyeballs afterward. Here's the good stuff we found floating in the chaos. I think what makes pets so hilarious is their audacity is ...