As someone with curly, hard-to-manage hair, I trust my haircare routine to just a few options, and these five shampoo ...
Every product below checks out at under $30, but in our tests, they all deliver elegant formulas, scents, and results that ...
Expensive-looking hair is a journey, not a destination. A luxurious mane does not hinge upon a specific color or cut but a ...
全身に爽快感を与える「ドライシャンプー」の“ひんやり感”がパワーアップ。新作「クールドライシャンプー」はプッシュした瞬間、頭皮や髪に冷感を仕込み、肌温度-5℃ (※1)のクールダウンを味わうことができる。猛暑による汗対策はもちろん、朝の寝ぐせ直しやドライヤー熱の暑さ緩和にもぴったりだ。