Estimates by the South Carolina Revenue and Fiscal Affairs office show that just over 315,000 people in the state between 18 and 65 do not have their high school diploma.
MONROE COUNTY, MISS. (WCBI) – Once a week, Judy Carpenter helps lead a group of MDOC inmates as they take a class to prepare for their GED test. The inmates are part of the Monroe County Work Center.
"It is a culture change, and we are seeing the results already," said Fayette Sheriff James Custer, whose county already uses ...
PLAINVILLE — Plainville Adult and Continuing Education is offering several free, evening programs this Spring as well as ...
American Red Cross, Hutch Rec Daddy Daughter Dance, Cancer Council, Hutchinson Community College, library and Bright House seeking volunteers.
"We want these students to be the best version of themselves. We want to give them hope and opportunity," Director Lisa Kukla ...
If your toddlers are bored with their toys and want something different to play with, here’s good news: We have developed a collection of toys for children aged 3-6 that are available for free ...
Learn how to become a real estate agent with these step-by-step tips. From licensing to finding a broker, start your career today!
A man who shot and injured five people in 2007 at the Denny’s restaurant in Kent will get released 17 years early from his ...