The story of the parents and children, as depicted by director Steven Soderbergh, is so interesting, it would work well even ...
Steven Soderbergh’s Presence is a ghostly experiment in storytelling that’s eerie and ambitious but struggles to deliver ...
The 2010s elevated genre cinema to new heights, with horror proving to be the most prolific playground for talented ...
Steven Soderbergh often applies his brainy, process-based approach to new genres; with Presence, he tries his hand at ...
Online shopping platforms and marketplaces have opened up a whole new fun and easy way to buy almost anything your heart desires, without having to traipse through a whole bunch of malls and stores.
Watch Flick Picks With Milwaukee Film every Tuesday on 12 News This Morning at 6 a.m.
Most of them are in ruins and are accompanied by myths and popular beliefs, which link them to horrible stories of people who ...
Like home-invasion movies, haunted-house films tap into the universal fear of being attacked in the one place you’re meant to ...
Steven Soderbergh directs a ghost story from the perspective of the ghost, starring Lucy Liu. Read the Empire review.
The illustrious Steven Soderbergh is undeniably one of Hollywood's finest directors, with his horror hit 'Presence' having ...
"Those brainy aliens and their erratic speech and laser guns that vaporize people into skeletons [was creepy]!! Also, how ...
Takes you closer to the games, movies and TV you love Issues delivered straight to your door or device Steven Soderbergh ...