Googleは米国時間12月3日、新しい仮想現実(VR)カメラアプリ「Cardboard Camera」を同社のモバイルOS「Android」を搭載するスマートフォン向けに ...
グーグルは12月3日(現地時間)、VRで写真を体験できるGoogle Cardboardビューアに対応したカメラアプリ「Cardboard カメラ」をGoogle Playにて公開した。
ヘッドセットにする「Google Cardboard」に関していくつかの発表を行った。開発者向けにはソフトウェア開発キット(SDK)を発表、ユーザー向けには ...
The exceptionally low-cost VR googles, literally made from folded cardboard, were a massive hit when they were unveiled back in 2014. But despite Google’s best efforts to introduce premium ...
This SDK provides everything you need to create your own Virtual Reality (VR) experiences for Google Cardboard in Unity 2019.4.25f1 or later. It supports essential VR features, such as: The "Google ...
Google Cardboard is the company's affordable answer to a virtual reality (VR) experience: It's a no-frills viewer which users can insert their phones into. It fits screens up to six inches ...
The exceptionally low-cost VR googles, literally made from folded cardboard, were a massive hit when they were unveiled back in 2014. But despite Google’s best efforts to introduce premium ...
These assets provide a simple way to use the XR Interaction Toolkit with the Cardboard XR Plugin. Add an XR Ray Interactor component Add the XRCardboardController script from this package It's ...