The Omaha school district has set an ambitious goal: have all students read on grade level by 2030. Omaha Public Schools ...
Florida students’ low scores on the recent National Assessment for Educational Progress shows state leaders have much to do.
Social studies curricula to be implemented starting in 2025-26 will include materials from the National Geographic and the ...
Cabarrus School Board approves new $2.3 million English Language Arts curriculum after years of using free open source ...
Halverson Elementary students and teachers are diving into an exciting new English Language Arts (ELA ... Wit & Wisdom is engaging students at every grade level, sparking curiosity and deep ...
Starting my third-grade math lessons with interactive read-alouds of picture books has provided relevancy and ownership of student learning. While some books directly align with current standards ...
She eventually chose to focus on a couple of academic ventures, hoping that if her targeted techniques led to tangible improvements, she could apply similar standards to the ... so she told her ...
Achievement Level Explorer Tool: The Achievement Level Explorer Tool breaks down each of the General Achievement Levels by the grade-level standards assessed on the Maine Through Year Assessment in ...