Jennifer Aniston's favoured fitness regime has hit the headlines – but how beneficial is it for women going through menopause ...
Your gynaecologist looks after your reproductive health but your family physician has a more holistic view. Is either doctor ...
Calcium-rich foods - like milk, cheese, yoghurt, beans and lentils - are some of the best foods to eat during menopause as ...
Thousands of women who have had breast cancer feel “forgotten” as they are paying up to €102 a month for menopause treatments ...
So many women report feeling 'pushed' into hormone replacement therapy during menopause - but there are other options out ...
Sabrina Sweeney For the thousands of women depending on the promise of free hormone replacement therapy (HRT) from this month ...
For many women who experience hot flashes, the new drug Veozah has been a life-changer. And a heightened warning last month, doesn’t seem to be dampening that enthusiasm.