Harry Potter is full of intense wizard duels, some of which are restricted to J.K. Rowling's books and unknown to those who have only seen the films!
There are many instances in the series where it is Severus Snape himself who stands out as the best character.
Born on December 22, 1962, Ralph Nathaniel Twisleton-Wykeham-Fiennes, aka Ralph Fiennes, is an English actor, film prod ...
Un choc des titans. L'édition anglophone a été le théâtre, la semaine passée, d'une passe d'armes entre deux géants de l'industrie, un éditeur et un vendeur d'ouvrages. D'un côté du ring, Bloomsbury, ...
La famille Bridgerton, le célèbre sorcier Harry Potter, la cultissime héroïne gaffeuse Bridget Jones… Si au premier abord, ...
Friday night at The Town Hall had the feel of a costume party, rock concert and family reunion as a capacity crowd of around ...
The writer/director is going from vampires to werewolves for his next period outing, teaming back up with Focus Features on this new movie.
On revient sur trois moments fondamentaux de la licence Harry Potter mieux mis en scène dans les films que dans les livres.
Since the Twilight saga came to an end, Robert has become known for choosing rather left-field roles, including the sci-fi horror High Life, Robert Eggers’ unsettling black-and-white offering The ...