“Hollywood Squares,” the classic celebrity game show that originally aired in 1966, is getting a modern revival hosted by ...
"Hollywood Squares" features two contestants among a star-studded lineup, playing tic-tac-toe with celebrity guests to win ...
A popular game show is making its way back to television. Now hosted by Drew Barrymore and Nate Burleson, “Hollywood Squares” premieres Thursday, Jan. 8, at 8 p.m. ET on CBS. “Hollywood ...
Nate Burleson hosts the latest version of the game show, which has been on the air in various iterations since 1966.
CBS is available to stream for free on multiple online outlets. You can watch “Hollywood Squares” on FuboTV, DirecTV Stream and Paramount+, which each offer a free trial to new subscribers. Note: Only ...
Add “Hollywood Squares” to the list of shows that have been impacted by the wildfires in Los Angeles. CBS announced it was moving the premiere of its game show revival to Jan. 16 at 8 p.m. ET/PT.
Based on her recent teases ahead of the new Hollywood Squares premiere, she hinted she could provide some entertaining antics. Many consider it an all-time favorite game show like The Price Is ...
CBS is available to stream for free on multiple online outlets. You can watch “Hollywood Squares” on FuboTV, DirecTV Stream and Paramount+, which each offer a free trial to new subscribers.
We are here to pay homage to those that have come before us and take this show into the future,' says Barrymore, who was first inspired to reboot the game ...