The spirits maker's standalone net profit jumped 36.31% to Rs 473 crore in Q3 FY25 as against Rs 347 crore posted in Q3 FY24.
Read on for a whole range of recommendations for January 18 and 19, handpicked as always by The Slice. The Slice is your ...
pan-India) The Curvv has debuted in a price range where the Creta has been a bestseller for a long time. But does it have the essence to beat the Hyundai compact SUV? We find out ...
S is for Switchels and Spritzers, both of which are superb! Though too many spritzers might leave you sluggish and seeking a snooze. Check out this list of 25 drinks beginning with the letter S to ...
T is for Tea and Tequila, both of which are terrific! Though too much tequila might leave you tired and needing some timeout.