The owner had appealed to Scottish Ministers to throw out an enforcement notice from East Lothian Council demanding he stop ...
Archaeologists in Germany have discovered a tiny Roman lock, believed to be the smallest of its kind in Europe.
"When I held it in my hands, I could hardly believe it." When metal detectorist Constantin Fried was exploring a field near ...
「LINKEY Plus」は、テンキー(10キー)・ICカード・スマートフォン解錠に対応した最新型電子錠です。一緒に「Finelife」を利用すれば、遠隔地からの鍵操作や開閉履歴の管理を行えるため、施設運営の効率化とセキュリティ向上が期待できます。
The Fort Knox Directorate of Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation is looking for innovative recreation ideas from its employees ...
三菱地所レジデンスは、IoT宅配ボックス「Pabbit Locker」を導入し、シェアリングサービスとの連携などを想定した“自分専用宅配ボックス”「Roomot Sotomo(ソトモ)」を同社の賃貸マンションシリーズ「ザ・パークハビオ」に導入する。
A massive search-and-rescue operation is under way after an American Airlines jet crashed into an army helicopter as it was ...
Why would film producers seek an R rating instead of making their film accessible to a broader audience? There are key financial reasons, and the principle applies to marketing for many types of ...
It was a series to remember for him, and not just with the ball: he had best batting average on either side, and the ...
Burke, who is included alongside Bath’s Finn Russell and Tom Jordan of Glasgow at fly-half, is one of two uncapped players in ...
Kia Syros EV vs MG Hector comparison is based on various factors like Price, Mileage, Features, Specifications, Colours, ...
He has the ability to bat at any tempo and he showed an ability to overcome difficult batting conditions | ...