A stereo audio jack lives at the other end of the assembly, and the whole synth is powered parasitically off the MIDI port. The first half of the video below is mostly a demo that proves the synth ...
[mitxela]’s polyphonic synth for the ATtiny 2313 does just that, using only two kilobytes of Flash and fitting inside a MIDI jack. Putting a MIDI synth into a MIDI plug is something we’ve seen ...
The MIDI UART signals are are routed with blue wires to the MIDI input of the dsp-G1. Yellow wires carry 5V power and red wires carry 3.3V power. The DSP Synthesizers dsp-G1 synth on a chip is great ...
Extension of the https://github.com/rogerallen/stm32disc_synth1 project adding USB MIDI keyboard input and synth configuration over serial bus (USART2 on PA2 & PA3 ...