Naruto underwent grueling training on Mount Myboku, where he learned to become one with nature itself and perfectly balance ...
Classic shonen anime like Naruto, One Piece, and Fairy Tail all have one thing in common that modern anime are sorely missing ...
Naruto, the massively popular manga series by Masashi Kishimoto, has captivated fans worldwide since its debut in 1999. With more than 250 million copies sold, its success continues with the anime’s ...
Above all, as this series drew closer to its end, fans also found out a ton of exciting information about the past of Tailed ...
Inspired by the beloved anime series Naruto, Ninja Time (previously called The Time of Ninja) is a super popular RPG ...
Naruto could have been darker and more realistic if more major characters had died, making the emotional stakes feel higher ...
Google検索で「一回転」や「斜め」など、特定のワードを入力することで特殊な演出が見られる、通称「イースターエッグ」と呼ばれる仕掛けに、アニメ・漫画でお馴染みの「 NARUTO -ナルト-」が追加されました。知らなかった方は今すぐ 検索窓 に「 ...
The kid’s entertainment television channel Sony YAY! is seeking to broaden its audience base. The channel, which currently ...
The written part of Naruto’s Chunin Exams Arc is one of the series’ biggest plot holes. But it makes perfect sense from a ...
Naruto voice actor who played Might Guy's role voiced a pivotal character in one of the iconic and legendary arcs in the One ...
The shocking twist of Naruto’s final villain wasn’t sudden but has been in the works for many years, as proven by several ...
Boruto needs to explore one great empire from Naruto that could boost the power of shinobi with never before seen techniques.