アスリートの意見を取り入れた開発により、駅伝シーズンに先行デビューした際も高い評価を獲得。網本佳悟選手(東洋大学)は「反発やクッション性、フィット感が一番しっくりきて、硬さも絶妙」と評価。吉居駿恭選手(中央大学)は「回転が出しやすく、後半もテンポを合 ...
AN elegance coach has revealed seven items of clothing she absolutely hates as it makes women look “common”. Anna Bey, who hosts coaching services, explained which garments and shoes you should ...
How hiking boots should fit, how to break them in and how to lace them. Plus, how to clean hiking boots so they last longer.