In other words, micro-network synthesis will enable NoC/SoC design similarly to the way logic synthesis enabled efficient semicustom design possible in the eighties. Though the design process of ...
San Jose, Calif., September 29, 2016—NetSpeed Systems Inc., announced today the release of its Gemini 3.0 cache-coherent network-on-chip IP that maximizes the performance of heterogeneous multicore ...
The highly configurable NoC interconnect meets FlexNoC 5 network-on-chip IP and Magillem Connectivity SoC integration automation software accelerate autonomous driving chip project timelines while ...
With technology advancing at an unprecedented pace, keeping an eye on fundamentally strong companies like Teradata Corp. (TDC ...
Training Cybersecurity Talent with Simulated Real-World Cyber Attacks The simulated attack and defense exercise, also known ...
How the newly released standard marks a critical milestone for the technology.
We sell different types of products and services to both investment professionals and individual investors. These products and services are usually sold through license agreements or subscriptions ...
Northrop Grumman Corporation operates as an aerospace and defense technology company in the United States, Asia/Pacific, Europe, and internationally. The company’s Aeronautics Systems segment ...
ITBD is equally committed to sustainability as part of its Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) efforts.
KTOS Kratos Defense & Security Solutions, Inc.