ギターを練習していると、一人では行き詰まったり、モチベーションが続かないことがあります。 そんなときに力を発揮するのがオンラインギターコミュニティです。 この記事では、初心者から上級者まで役立つオンラインコミュニティの活用法と、仲間 ...
In the grand scheme of things, Mark’s Guitar Exchange specializes in one thing: guitar stuff. But in the guitar scheme of things, this shop, with one location in Point Loma and one in Chula Vista, ...
Whether you’re a professional musician or you’re just starting to learn the guitar, San Diego has a variety of music shops and guitar stores to choose from. Anyone looking for guitars in San Diego ...
In the vein of now gone but not forgotten vintage stores like Songbird (Toronto & Ottawa), Capsule Music (Toronto), Not Just Another Guitar Shop (Vancouver), Cosmic Dave's always tried to cater to ...
What they do is cater to really rich people. There’s no DIY. It’s too complicated; it’s too hard. To create one guitar costs $1,000.” Concluding, “So… the best thing in the world is just used guitar ...