Someone is going to win a Sansui OLED TV and a PlayStation 5 to go with it. Here's how you can put your name in the hat.
Shoppers looking for a versatile wireless headset for PlayStation at a bargain are in luck with this Acer Nitro headset ...
If you're looking for a mechanical keyboard that can withstand the rigours of a call center or a newsroom, the Epomaker ...
Final Fantasy VII Rebirth is coming soon to PC and fans can expect additional features enhancing their gameplay experience.
Maximalist fashion is staging a loud return. Popularized on social media, the style is more extreme and theatrical than ever ...
Like other less popular genres such as point-and-click adventures, it's indie developers that are still keeping the fire ...
It might seem counterintuitive, but these PC games are much better if you use a controller instead of the old mouse and keyboard.
ゲームの映像リアリティが、ここまで来たのかと驚嘆を禁じ得ない。プレイステーションの5代目、PS5も十分な描画性能だったが、ソフト・ハード両面における高画質の追求から生まれた新たな成果が、このPS5 ...
税金滞納者の差し押さえ財産を落札できる官公庁オークション。2025年一発目となる今回は、PS5やPS4、PS3、Nintendo Switch、メガドライブといったゲーム機本体や「PS4ソフト ...
Sony has officially unveiled its first-ever car called the 'Afeela,' which comes jam-packed with a bunch of gadgets and an in ...
PlayStation 5の周辺機器に、新色「ミッドナイト ブラック コレクション」が登場。「PlayStation Portal リモートプレーヤー」「DualSense Edge ワイヤレスコントローラー」「PULSE Elite ...
「ヘッドセット」は、マイクとヘッドフォンが一体化されたアイテムです。装着することで、オンライン対戦時のボイスチャットなどを快適に行えます。ここでは、今売れている人気の「PlayStation ...