From her father's death to her glass slippers, Disney's Cinderella diverges from the original fairy tale several times.
As February rolls around every year, couples, a tense wave of pressure ripples over couples to get Valentine's Day spot on.
And let me tell you, some of these vintage pieces are so authentic, they come with their own disco ball and ABBA soundtrack.
【読売新聞】 一世一代の晴れ舞台が結婚式。バブル期には豪華な演出の「派手婚」が人気だったが、「自分らしさ」を大切にする現代は、挙式や披露宴より写真撮影を重視する「フォトウェディング」が広がっている。SNSで写真に親しんできた世代が結 ...