BROWSING through social media, I recently came across a map showing all the countries with gross domestic product (GDP) per capita higher than Poland’s back in 1990 and in 2018. The difference was ...
The New Rising Era,” the festival, which will take place from May 31 to July 12, is expected to be the most intense ...
While browsing social media, I recently came across a map showing all the countries with GDP per capita higher than Poland’s ...
Poland can thank good governance, foreign investment, political stability, the rule of law and friendly neighbours for its ...
Browsing social media, I recently came across a map showing all the countries with GDP per capita higher than Poland’s back ...
Today the international order is being challenged on multiple fronts. Decades-old institutions are unrepresentative of the ...
What’s been true for Poland might well be true for many of the so-called “middle powers” in Asia, Africa and South America looking for room to grow ...
The first, which Poland joined in 1999, provided security guarantees and helped overcome decades-old division between Eastern ...
What’s been true for Poland might well be true for many “middle powers” in Asia, Africa and South America looking for room to ...
Browsing social media1 I have recently come across a map showing all the countries with GDP per capita2 higher than Poland’s ...
ポーランドは16〜17世紀、軍事大国だった。当時、大活躍した「有翼のフサリア」と呼ばれた華麗で勇猛なポーランド騎兵が、戻ってきた。ロシアが2014年にクリミア半島を併合した際、北大西洋条約機構(NATO)内のポーランド軍の規模は9位。だが今や兵力は倍増され20万人強と米国、トルコに次ぐ3位だ。国防予算は実質的に3倍の350億ドル(約5兆4000億円)に増え、欧州では英国、フランス、ドイツに次ぐ ...