Tints and shades of these colors are not permitted. This file download consists of our branded primary and secondary CMYK, PMS and RGB/HEX color palettes, packaged in an ASE file for your convenience.
Although our color system is monochromatic, in certain instances, another color may need to be used. For those circumstances, we have developed this set of secondary colors. These colors should be ...
a monochromatic palette (one color, different shades or tones), or a primary color palette (red, blue, and yellow). Note: Go to this CF article for a more in-depth analysis of color theory and ...
Use white as your primary color and let shiny silver and matte black stand out in ornaments and tabletop decorations. This Christmas color palette also works well for whimsical decor themes.
The New School’s secondary color palette consists of 12 colors: seven traditional Pantone swatches, four fluorescents, and two metallics. This palette was designed to complement the primary palette ...
The strength of the Northwestern Engineering palette is its consistency. Adhering to these color guidelines will result in clean, comprehensive communications that are instantly recognizable as ...
Pinterest determined its 2025 Pinterest Palette which includes five colors for the year predicted from what users are doing ...
When it is not suitable to use official letterhead, you can choose from the three designs below. Each template defaults to our substitute fonts (Arial and Georgia) and include our primary color ...
Let's have a go. You will need paper, primary colour paints, paintbrushes, a palette, old plate or something to mix on. To start with I mix my primary colours to create secondary colours.