Promethazine hydrochloride (Phenergan ... as well as for short-term sedation. It is sold over the counter at pharmacies and chemists across the country. The TGA said Phenergan's consumer medicine ...
More than 125 over-the-counter (OTC) medicines for cough and ... Combining the abuse of the prescribed antihistamine promethazine (Phenergan) with DXM may be increasing. The recent alert from ...
Promethazine is a "first generation" antihistamine that has been sold over the counter at pharmacies in Australia for decades for a range of conditions. Unlike many other drugs, first generation ...
There is limited information about promethazine-induced delirium with psychotic symptoms. The aim is to highlight the importance of taking a detailed history including medication use/abuse of both ...
Recent surveillance indicates apparent renewed interest among teens in Dextromethorphan abuse sometimes combined with other ...