「鬼武者VR Shadow Team」は、「鬼武者」シリーズ初のVR作品となる剣劇アクションゲーム。プレイヤーは「灰燼の蒼鬼」と呼ばれる鬼武者の“影武者”となり、最大4名までのマルチプレイで、迫りくる幻魔たちをVRで打ち倒すバッサリ感を楽しめる。
新車価格 2,180,000円(税抜) 全長×全幅×全高 4,620×1,740×1,420 1.8 VR-G1,910,000円 5 4-1,834 FF 5MT 右 1996/08~1997/08 1.8 VR-G2,000,000円 5 4-1,834 FF 4AT 右 1996/08~1997/08 ...
Right now, that’s out of most people’s reach, but some VR space experiences are the next best thing. We know what you're thinking right now: Isn't VR tech used mainly for video games?
The best VR headsets can be your introduction to a very different and immersive gaming experience, especially if you're checking out the tech for the first time and wondering which is the best ...