入店するだけで10ポンド(約2000円)が課金される――。英ロンドンで、そんなスーパーに遭遇した。場所はテムズ川の南、経度0度0分0秒の本初子午線が通るグリニッジ。ドイツ発のディスカウントスーパー大手「アルディ(Aldi)」が運営する「ALDI ...
「Steven Alan」は、デザイナーのスティーブン・アラン氏によって米国・ニューヨークで創設されたブランド。1994年に自身の名前を冠したセレクトショップ「Steven ...
伊藤忠商事は、韓国発のセレクトショップ「NICE WEATHER(ナイスウエザー)」の日本でのマスターライセンス権と独占輸入販売権を取得したと発表した。4月に国内1号店を阪急うめだ本店(大阪市)に開く。セレクトショップ大手のユナイテッドアローズ(UA)が店舗運営や商品企画を担う。流行に敏感な20~30代の若年層を狙う。ナイスウエザーは2020年に韓国・ソウルで始 ...
Its parent company, Walgreens Boots Alliance, is being taken over by buyout barons at Sycamore Partners in a deal worth ...
The owner of Boots has been sold for almost £8billion - reviving hopes that the pharmacy chain could be floated in London.
Sycamore Partners to acquire Walgreens Boots Alliance, Inc. for $23.7B. WBA stock up 7.3%. Click for my review of the deal ...
Iconic UK pharmacy chain Boots has been sold by Walgreens Boots Alliance to Sycamore Partners in a $10bn deal, marking a ...
Outlaw is one of more than 3.4 million people in Illinois on Medicaid — more than one-quarter of the state’s population — who are anxiously watching discussions in Washington, D.C., over the future of ...
Walgreens Boots Alliance (NASDAQ: WBA) (the "Company" or “WBA”) today announced that it has entered into a definitive agreement to be acquired by an entity affiliated with Sycamore Partners (“Sycamore ...
Walgreens Boots Alliance (WBA) announced that it has entered into a definitive agreement to be acquired by an entity affiliated with Sycamore ...
Walgreens has agreed to pay $100 million to settle claims it overcharged insured customers for generic prescription drugs, with eligible customers able to file claims until April 17.
Te-Jay's Adult Books serves as the last bastion of the old River North while continuing to thrive alongside the next generation of late-night partiers.