The best potato varieties are tasty and high yielding. The rigorous Which? trials reveal the best ones, plus tips for how to ...
Home-grown strawberries taste better than anything from the supermarket. Discover our best varieties and how to grow them ...
I’ve learned that the hard way. But here’s something I wish I’d known sooner: Jerusalem crickets can actually work wonders in ...
To grow sweet tangerines, they need a minimum of six to eight hours of direct sunlight every day. By placing your containers ...
Dorset Wildlife Trust has posted tips on how to make the perfect garden homes to attract wildlife into people's back gardens this winter.
Chinch bugs can quickly lay waste to your garden plants, especially if you make these common mistakes while trying to combat ...
Climate change is bringing new insect pests into our gardens. A change in climate means that areas that were once ...
Invasive plants (i.e. weeds) have been on the upswing lately as a threat to take over desirable plants, out-compete farm crops, and disturb the fragile health of ecosystems.
Ornamental grasses not only make a visual statement, but they actually come with many additional benefits that'll suit both ...
Here in the UK, ancient oaks and other trees are an enduring symbol of the British landscape, offering shelter and support to ...
People are being urged to play their part in conservation by recognising and protecting endangered tree species in their ...