Tesla CEO announced Sunday that he plans to use Cybertrucks outfitted with Starlink technology to provide internet to those ...
Starlink, a subsidiary of SpaceX, has been experiencing exceptional growth based on an expanding global internet and cell ...
T-Mobile and SpaceX have been working on bringing Starlink satellite connectivity to customers for a while, and it’s flipping ...
Australian mobile carrier Telstra has announced plans to offer SpaceX's Starlink services for its customers. According to ...
06-01 - United Airlines begint dit voorjaar met de uitrol van wifiterminals op basis van Starlink. Tegen het einde van dit jaar moeten alle passagiersvliegtuigen van de regionale vloot van… ...
De eerste vlucht van New Glenn, de draagraket van Blue Origin, het ruimtevaartbedrijf van Amazon-oprichter en miljardair Jeff ...
It was back in 2022 that T-Mobile announced it had entered into a partnership with SpaceX to use the company's Starlink satellite constellation to bring direct-to-cellular capabilities to its users.
T-Mobile teams with SpaceX to deliver Starlink's awesome Direct-to-Cellular (DTC) service over impaced areas of the ...
INTERVIEW WITH FRANCO BERNABE', former CEO of Eni and Telecom Italia - "Starlink has a very intelligent and ambitious ...
Telecom companies are providing essential support to those affected by the Los Angeles wildfires in the form of satellite ...
T-Mobile has opened up emergency texting over SpaceX's Starlink satellite network for areas affected by Southern California's fires.