Words such as angry and peaceful. Words such as funny and serious. You can use a thesaurus to find synonyms and antonyms for words. Using the same words over and over in our writing can be a ...
This thesaurus is not perfect, but I hope it is a good start ... assigned_role.txt - contains my list of detailed occupations along with an abbreviated list of synonyms and searches.
With more than 140,000 entries and 1.4 million words, WordNet is perhaps the most diverse dictionary and thesaurus. Over and above synonyms and antonyms, the app helps find hypernyms, hyponyms ...
This is a plugin for Vim allowing you to look up words in an online thesaurus, which is at the moment configured to be http://thesaurus.com/ The plugin displays the ...
Microsoft has decided to retire the useful Thesaurus in Word, a tool that helps users find synonyms for words they don’t know the meaning of. Users could right-click the word and select Synonyms, and ...
કેટલાક પરિણામો છુપાયેલા છે કારણ કે તે તમારા માટે ઇનઍક્સેસિબલ હોઈ શકે છે.
ઇનઍક્સેસિબલ પરિણામો બતાવો