A handful of bed bugs can quickly become a major infestation, particularly as warm weather causes both their metabolism and ...
Bedbugs come into the house when people unknowingly bring them inside. Learn what they’re attracted to and more about their ...
Bed bugs were almost completely removed from North America due to mass treatments with highly toxic insecticides that are no longer in use. Frequent travel, being good hitchhikers, improved treatment ...
Bed bugs are small insects that feed on human blood. They are usually active at night when people are sleeping. Adult bed bugs have flat, rusty-red-colored oval bodies. About the size of an apple seed ...
Worried there are bed bugs in your mattress? You can find numerous hacks for bed bug removal — everything from moth balls to vaseline — but we've sorted through the tips and tricks to find the ...
Heat treatment is more expensive and more immediate. If the City of Winnipeg's Health Department gets a complaint that a landlord is not treating for bed bugs, a notice is served to the landlord. The ...
When dealing with bed bugs you should contract with a pest management professional experienced in working with bed bug infestations. Using over-the-counter insecticides will not solve a bed bug ...
In most cases, a thorough inspection and vacuuming of the room with a HEPA vacuum by the Pest Management Unit professional is the best treatment when there is not an infestation. If the Pest ...
Anyone can be affected by bed bugs. Everyone can stop their spread. Bed bugs are not a health hazard but they can create a lot of stress. Learn how you can protect yourself and help stop the spread of ...
Two that love our beds and bedding are dust mites and bed bugs. But how can you tell which set up camp, and what can you do ...
but only a healthcare professional can provide an accurate diagnosis and the right treatment. Bedbug removal requires fumigation. If you have bed bugs in your home, call a professional.