The unsaturated fats, which are present in food items such as avocados and nuts, are known to be good for heart health.
From having a low-glycemic diet to having a healthy sleep routine, here are a few ways to manage insulin resistance and reduce belly fat.
Research discovers how high-fat diets alter gut bacteria and brain chemistry, increasing anxiety levels and offering new ...
Doctors and nutritionists say you should limit these foods and beverages if you want to keep your digestive system happy and ...
It's hard to imagine now a world in which lard was a sought-after ingredient. But that's exactly what it was during the ...
Avocados, fatty fish, salad dressing, nuts and yogurt are high-fat foods that can support weight loss. Fat provides energy ...
Stephanie Schiff, a registered dietitian nutritionist at Northwell Health’s Huntington Hospital, told The Post why butter is ...
The study, published in Immunity & Ageing, was conducted on rats to examine how quickly high-fat diets affect the brain ...
Most of the fat in butter is of the saturated variety. It therefore stands to reason that butter should have a negative ...
“First, while seed oils do contain high levels of omega-six fatty acids, that's not a bad thing,” per the American Heart Association. “Omega-six is a polyunsaturated fat the body needs but ...